Five PaRanormal campaigns to support this Halloween
Written by: Alexia Barajas
TRICK OR TREAT? With Halloween nearly approaching, why not take a look at some creative PR campaigns that promote spooky movies and products!
Butterfinger: #BFI Turn Yourself In for a chance to win $25,0000 prize Campaign
Parents are finally being held accountable for eating their kids’ candy! I wish this campaign existed when I was a die-hard trick or treater. Let’s let the BFI handle this case! This is a clever campaign in my opinion because it features two things I love: keeping parents accountable and candy!
Crest: #BringOnTheCandy Safes
The only safe that will be saving my candy this Halloween is my stomach, but I do appreciate the cavity protection offered by Crest! Dentists most likely appreciate the initiative Crest is taking with this campaign, but I am not a dentist.
Heinz: #CreepiestCondiment Tomato Blood
I love ketchup on my burger or hotdog but I wonder how tomato blood tastes? All buns aside I would be lying if I said I did not spend longer than thirty seconds contemplating how ketchup really is tomato blood--or juice! You get the point.
North Carolina’s #‘Halloween Kills’/VaccinesSave Campaign
With the majority of the filming taking place in North Carolina, what’s a safer way to visit than with my pal Lindsey? In all seriousness, this campaign is genius in merging a popular movie and public health!
Snickers #BiteSize Halloween
A classic tale of trick or treaters discovering there is a bear on the loose and a woman in a bear costume. There is only one solution: Snickers. Candy companies advertising their candy for Halloween is not something new, but I love candy so keep ’em coming!